Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Sharing an Overview Video by YouTube Channel: ‘Julie Khnuu’ About a Feng Shui Guide to Harmonizing Your Home

Are you interested in changing your life, by applying Feng Shui principles to your home? 

You are probably already familiar with not having your office desk face the wall, or not having clutterful electrical cords out in your living space; but, if you would like to know about how to harmonize your home, relating to balancing energy by incorporating some of the other principles of the ancient Chinese practice of Feng Shui, then, you may check out the video below.

Watch ~ The Julie Khnuu YouTube channel video ~

Feng Shui Made Easy: Beginner's Guide To Harmonizing Your Home (Feng Shui 101) ~

Julie has such a pleasant voice, and demonstrates such a wonderful presentation. 

You can watch more of her informative videos, on her Julie Khnuu YouTube channel.. 

More Resources ~

What does Feng Shui mean? | Mansion Global

The 5 Principles of Feng Shui: How to Bring Calm to Your Home in 2020 - Embrace Home Loans

Sharing an Overview Video by YouTube Channel: ‘Sites with Natalie’ About How to Easily Sell Digital Products on WordPress

The Sites with Natalie YouTube channel lays out a great tutorial for how to easily sell digital products on WordPress. It's a clear step-by-step guide, that you can view below ~
The embedded video above: "How To Easily Sell Digital Products On WordPress - Blocksy (2024)" is a YouTube video that demonstrates how to add a product to a WordPress site using the Blocksy theme. The video covers the following steps: • Enter a product tag, such as an ebook topic, from a keyword • Enter a short description for the product • Customize the description by selecting the text and transforming it into another type of HTML tag • Add a product image by clicking Adjust Track and selecting from computer files • Update the product to make it live • Other steps for selling digital products on WordPress include: • Creating digital products • Creating a WordPress website • Installing MemberPress and uploading files • Creating a membership • Protecting files with rules • Setting prices for downloads • Configuring download files • Adding a Stripe credit card field • Choosing a payment description • Selecting where to send payment receipts ~ At the Sites with Natalie YouTube channel, you may also find more resourceful videos to watch, with over 170 to choose from.

Monday, August 30, 2021

Reference to Crossword Explorer Game App

If you like to engage in solving crossword puzzles, you may download the Crossword Explorer game app, to have fun and test your skill at solving puzzles with an app that is easy to use, with a simple design. 

 (This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.) 

Workman Mensa 10-Minute Crossword Puzzles Paperback

Monday, August 2, 2021

A Video Overview Reference for Submitting Blogger Blogs to Google Search Console

How's your Blogger blog doing? 

Watch "How To Add Blogger To Google Search Console | Submit Your Blogger Blog to Google Search Console" for guidance, to see how things are going, after you submit your blog to Google Search Console. 

Explore Google Search Console ~ https://search.google.com/search-console/about 

A Podcast App Reference

Looking to put together your very own podcast?

Check out the Google Play App: "Anchor - Make your own podcast" ~


Sunday, August 1, 2021

Everyone Has a Family Tree - You May Find This App Useful If You are Searching

Looking to explore your family tree?

Check out "FamilySearch Tree" ~


Regarding an Old Adage and a Time Management Tips Video Overview

One of the cool enlightening points about the time management video below, is how the presenter explains the Parkinson's Law.. which makes a lot of sense; because, if you alot the whole day, to let's say - do your laundry; it will probably take the entire day to do your laundry. However, if you set a time frame of 3 hours to do your laundry - it will (more than likely), take 3 hours to do your laundry. 

You could also apply that to setting aside money every week for your budget. Which could really help in making sure that there is more than enough money left over at the end of the month; instead of not enough money at the end of the month. Of course, budgeting a specific amount of money for specific items, sets the boundaries so that money may seem to stretch (in theory).

For more info ~

"Work expands to fill the period of time available for its completion. If you're into productivity, you'll know this proverb as Parkinson's Law" ~


Check out the video below, on time management tips ~

Looking to Learn More About How Money Can Work for You?

Regarding finances ~ Do you have a budget plan that works for you? Or is it something that you have not really applied or put together, because of one reason or another? 

Or, how about passive income? Is it something that seems possible? Or do you see it as a pipe dream? 

If you are looking for some cool 'make money work for you' tips, here is an information video about that topic ~

(Disclaimer: I'm not a financial advisor.)

CryptoPop Game App Overview

Play the CryptoPop game, for being rewarded with eth crypto and having fun with this relaxing and therapeutic game. It might be more satisfying than using bubble-wrap, in a bubble popping way.

Check-out this example and see ~

Explore the CryptoPop Google Play App ~

This post contains an affiliate link. This blog generates income for the author based on affiliate relationships with her partners, including, Amazon and others. 

Monday, July 26, 2021

Apps ~ Crypto-Related Games

If you are looking to play games on your phone and be rewarded with crypto-related rewards like LTC Litoshi or BCH Satoshi, Bitcoin Aliens has a listing of Google Play game apps that are fun and easy, where you can also use to earn rewards for completing offers, as well. 

Here are some examples of the games ~

So, check out Bitcoin Aliens if you'd like ~ 

Or M&L Prod. Google Play BCH Faucet App ~


This post contains an affiliate links. This blog generates income for the author based on affiliate relationships with her partners, including, Amazon and others.